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Various Blogs regarding Cincinnati Family Law, Estate Planning And Bankruptcy.

At Bailey & Gunderson, our attorneys help people going through some of life's most difficult challenges. We bring our experience, skill and creativity to every case, taking on all types of Family Law including Divorce, Bankruptcy, Probate and Estate Planning issues.  Learning that most people ask the same questions - this blog is our way of providing some general legal information.  Feel free to contact our Cincinnati Law Offices to discuss your specific situation. 

Make it your New Year's resolution to establish or modify your estate planning.

Do you need a Last Will & Testament or a Durable Power of Attorney?

If you have those documents, have you reviewed them lately? Are the persons you nominated in those documents correct and in the correct order? Are any modifications required?

Have you reviewed the beneficiary designations identified for your various assets?

Did you know that you can file with the County Recorder an affidavit for the transfer of your real estate after your death to those who may survive you without having to administer your real estate through the Probate Court?

Do you need a Living Trust? Do you know why a Living Trust is needed, or why it would be beneficial to your estate planning?

For further questions regarding this topic, please call the attorneys at Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A., with offices in Norwood and Western Hills, at 513-631-0022.

New Year Resolution B


Spousal support is the current term for what used to be called alimony. Spousal support is an award granted by a domestic relations court in a dissolution of marriage or a divorce whereby one former spouse pays to the other former spouse a monthly obligation for the support and maintenance of the former spouse.

Courts will grant an award of spousal support if it is reasonable and appropriate, but only after the division of the assets and property between the spouses has been determined. By law, a court is to consider thirteen (13) specific factors, plus any other factors that the court considers relevant and equitable in making an award of spousal support. Some of the factors a court is to consider include the ages of the spouses, their earning abilities, their health, the length of the marriage, and the standard of living of the parties during the marriage.

Are you interested to find out more about spousal support? Please contact us at Bailey & Gunderson, Attorneys-at-Law, with offices in Norwood and Western Hills. 513-631-0022.

Spousal Support B

Lawyers affect our everyday lives in countless ways. They help resolve conflicts and protect individual rights.

Lawyers are involved in everything from resolving family and parenting disputes, assisting with the administration of estates, filing for bankruptcy, buying a home, and preparing a Last Will & Testament. Lawyers counsel, strategize, problem-solve, write, advocate, negotiate — the list is endless.

The next time you see your lawyer, thank him or her for the services that he or she provides for you.

(By the way – We love and thank our clients too!)

Provided by the attorneys at Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A., with offices in Norwood and Western Hills. Phone: 513-631-0022.

Love Your Lawyer Day B

Yes! There is a procedure to end a marriage by agreement called a “dissolution of marriage”.

A dissolution of marriage is a procedure where spouses mutually agree to terminate the marriage. The grounds as to the reason why the marriage should be terminated are not required. A petition for dissolution marriage is jointly filed by the spouses, who have signed a separation agreement regarding the division of their assets and debts, child and spousal support issues, and parenting issues. The spouses can also agree upon a shared parenting plan for their children,

After a petition for dissolution marriage is filed with the Domestic Relations Court, a hearing shall be held no sooner than 30 days thereafter. Both spouses need to participate in the hearing and express their consent to their written agreement and request to terminate their marriage. If the Court is satisfied otherwise, the petition for dissolution marriage shall be granted, the spouses’ marriage shall be terminated, and the agreement of the spouses shall become an order of the Court.

Are you interested to find out more about a dissolution of marriage? Please contact us -- Bailey & Gunderson, Attorneys-at-Law, with offices in Norwood and Cheviot, at 513-631-0022.

Dissolution of Marriage A 


Did you know that there are two Fridays the 13th this year in 2024 occurring today and in December?

Did you also know that every year has at least one Friday the 13th, but no year has more than three.

If you had any bad luck today requiring an attorney, please contact us -- Bailey & Gunderson, Attorneys-at-Law, with offices in Norwood and Cheviot, at 513-631-0022.


Friday the 13th

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Copyright © 2017 by Attorneys Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A. All rights reserved. 

5257 Montgomery Rd, Norwood, OH 45212 - Phone: 513-631-0022

Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A., is Cincinnati Family Law. Estate Planning And Bankruptcy Lawyers located in Cincinnati, Ohio, and represents clients across Hamilton County and beyond, in places such as Batavia, Norwood, Western Hills, Anderson Township, Anderson, Amelia, Mason, Harrison and Hamilton. 

Disclaimer: The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.


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