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Various Blogs regarding Cincinnati Family Law, Estate Planning And Bankruptcy.

At Bailey & Gunderson, our attorneys help people going through some of life's most difficult challenges. We bring our experience, skill and creativity to every case, taking on all types of Family Law including Divorce, Bankruptcy, Probate and Estate Planning issues.  Learning that most people ask the same questions - this blog is our way of providing some general legal information.  Feel free to contact our Cincinnati Law Offices to discuss your specific situation. 

All of the local Domestic Relations and Juvenile Courts in Hamilton, Clermont, Warren and Butler Counties have standard parenting guidelines and schedules that serve as a starting point for allocating parenting time with the children between the parents. You can review your local county court’s parenting guidelines and schedules as a starting point. You may also search online for various parenting schedules to find one that may be suitable.

The courts have been recently implementing new parenting guidelines and schedules that provide for more equal parenting time with the children for the parents. One or both of the parents may submit their own parenting guideline and schedule for consideration by the other parent and the court.

The courts are required to choose a parenting schedule that is in the child's best interest, and recognize that the parents are the best individuals to choose which parenting schedule will meet the needs of the child to serve his or her best interest.

Do you have questions regarding parenting schedules or guidelines? Please call us at Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A., with offices in Norwood and Western Hills. Phone: 513-631-0022.


Parenting Schedule B

Do you have a Durable Power of Attorney? What about your spouse or your parents?

A Durable Power of Attorney is a legal document that grants another person the authority to act on your behalf. You may choose when the Durable Power of Attorney becomes operative, and what acts the person granted the authority may perform on your behalf.

A Durable Power of Attorney can become effective immediately upon signing, or may become effective only if you become incapacitated or incompetent in the future. A Durable Power of Attorney may allow another person to act on your behalf for a single event, such as the power to sell your real estate only. A Durable Power of Attorney may also allow another person to act on behalf to do any act you may legally do. Your attorney can guide you regarding what options will fit your needs.

If you do not have a Durable Power of Attorney, now is the time to obtain one. A Durable Power of Attorney cannot be granted by an individual who is incompetent. If the person who requires a Durable Power of Attorney is incompetent, the alternative is to seek a guardianship of that person through the Probate Court, which can be an expensive and time consuming process.

Brought to you by the attorneys at Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A., with offices in Norwood and Western Hills. Phone: 513-631-0022.Power of Attorney B

Are you having trouble communicating with the other parent for your children? Are there repeated miscommunications regarding the children's activities, healthcare appointments, etc.? Do you need to possibly preserve communications with the other parent for future evidence for a court proceeding?

Online parenting applications have become a useful tool to address the foregoing and many other issues as it comes as it relates to communications, scheduling, etc. between parents.

An online parenting application can help preserve good and bad communications; provide for a method to exchange documents such as healthcare billing statement and expense receipts; and many other issues.

Examples of online parenting applications include “Our Family Wizard” and “AppClose”.

A court can even order the parents to communicate exclusively through an online parenting application for high conflict relationships.

If you should have questions regarding this issue, please call the attorneys at Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A. at 513-631-0022. We have offices located in Norwood and Western Hills.


Parenting App


Do you have an estate plan, which includes a Last Will & Testament, a Durable Power of Attorney, a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare and Living Will? Sometimes your estate plan may require that you have a Living Trust. Do you have beneficiaries designated for your assets? Have you verified that your beneficiaries are who you wish to be designated and in the correct order. Now is the time make sure your estate plan is ready for future events.

We can help you obtain an estate plan that's best for you. If you should have questions regarding this issue, please call the attorneys at Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A. at 513-631-0022. We have offices located in Norwood and Western Hills.

Estate Planning B

Copyright © 2017 by Attorneys Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A. All rights reserved. 

5257 Montgomery Rd, Norwood, OH 45212 - Phone: 513-631-0022

Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A., is Cincinnati Family Law. Estate Planning And Bankruptcy Lawyers located in Cincinnati, Ohio, and represents clients across Hamilton County and beyond, in places such as Batavia, Norwood, Western Hills, Anderson Township, Anderson, Amelia, Mason, Harrison and Hamilton. 

Disclaimer: The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.


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