Yes! There is a procedure to end a marriage by agreement called a “dissolution of marriage”.
A dissolution of marriage is a procedure where spouses mutually agree to terminate the marriage. The grounds as to the reason why the marriage should be terminated are not required. A petition for dissolution marriage is jointly filed by the spouses, who have signed a separation agreement regarding the division of their assets and debts, child and spousal support issues, and parenting issues. The spouses can also agree upon a shared parenting plan for their children,
After a petition for dissolution marriage is filed with the Domestic Relations Court, a hearing shall be held no sooner than 30 days thereafter. Both spouses need to participate in the hearing and express their consent to their written agreement and request to terminate their marriage. If the Court is satisfied otherwise, the petition for dissolution marriage shall be granted, the spouses’ marriage shall be terminated, and the agreement of the spouses shall become an order of the Court.
Are you interested to find out more about a dissolution of marriage? Please contact us -- Bailey & Gunderson, Attorneys-at-Law, with offices in Norwood and Cheviot, at 513-631-0022.