Make it your New Year's resolution to establish or modify your estate planning.
Do you need a Last Will & Testament or a Durable Power of Attorney?
If you have those documents, have you reviewed them lately? Are the persons you nominated in those documents correct and in the correct order? Are any modifications required?
Have you reviewed the beneficiary designations identified for your various assets?
Did you know that you can file with the County Recorder an affidavit for the transfer of your real estate after your death to those who may survive you without having to administer your real estate through the Probate Court?
Do you need a Living Trust? Do you know why a Living Trust is needed, or why it would be beneficial to your estate planning?
For further questions regarding this topic, please call the attorneys at Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A., with offices in Norwood and Western Hills, at 513-631-0022.