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Various Blogs regarding Cincinnati Family Law, Estate Planning And Bankruptcy.

At Bailey & Gunderson, our attorneys help people going through some of life's most difficult challenges. We bring our experience, skill and creativity to every case, taking on all types of Family Law including Divorce, Bankruptcy, Probate and Estate Planning issues.  Learning that most people ask the same questions - this blog is our way of providing some general legal information.  Feel free to contact our Cincinnati Law Offices to discuss your specific situation. 

Thank you to all who gave the ultimate sacrifice from the attorneys and staff of the law office of Bailey & Gunderson.

Remember them on this Memorial Day as we enjoy our freedom.

Memorial Day

If you have an order from a family law court, such as a domestic relations or juvenile court, you have a right to seek and obtain a modification of an order if the facts warrant a modification under the existing law.

For example, child and spousal support can be modified under certain circumstances if incomes have changed due to employment loss, disability, retirement, etc. Parenting issues such as custody and visitation can also be modified if there are changes in the circumstances of the parents and/or the child. Of course, many factors are taken into consideration by the family law court when considering a modification of an order.

Modification of orders issued by a family law court can be complicated. If you think your circumstances are such that a modification of an order is warranted, we can help. You may consult with us about a potential modification of your current order, and we can give you advice and an honest opinion regarding the likelihood of modifying your current order in a family law court.

Have questions? The attorneys at Bailey & Gunderson, with offices in Norwood and Western Hills, can assist you. If you should have any questions, please call us at 513-631-0022.

Family Law Court

Although federal law (the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 “COBRA”) dictates that you may continue health insurance coverage for 36 months under your former spouse’s health insurance plan with his/her employer, you should not rely on COBRA coverage long term due to the high cost of this type of health insurance coverage.

You should start doing your “homework” as soon as possible for available options for health insurance coverage that may be less expensive. Your best option should be through your employer’s health insurance plan. If not employed, you may have options under the Affordable Care Act or Medicaid (if you qualify). Options for health insurance coverage may also be available to you through organizations or memberships with which you are involved.

Make sure your children have access to health insurance coverage as well. Health insurance coverage for your children almost always is part of the temporary and final orders of the divorce court.

Have questions? The attorneys at Bailey & Gunderson, with offices in Norwood and Western Hills, can assist you. If you should have any questions, please call us at 513-631-0022.

Health Insurance Coverage


We often have occasions where family members have arguments or disagreements after the death of a loved one. Do you want to avoid these situations for your children and loved ones?

Now is a good time to plan for your estate, or verify that your estate plan previously completed is still applicable and expresses your wishes for the administration of your estate. The are many tools you can use to plan for your estate, such as a Last Will & Testament, a Living Trust, a Transfer of Death Designation, etc.

A good plan and communication are the keys to good estate planning.

Have questions? The attorneys at Bailey & Gunderson, with offices in Norwood, Western Hills and Anderson Township, can assist you. If you should have any questions, please call us at 513-631-0022.

Estate Dispute

Are you having debt and financial trouble? We can help.

A Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy may be the solution for your debt and financial problems. Please contact us for your free initial consultation with our bankruptcy attorneys.

Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A., with offices in Norwood, Western Hills and Anderson Township. Phone: 513-631-0022.


Bankruptcy K

Copyright © 2017 by Attorneys Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A. All rights reserved. 

5257 Montgomery Rd, Norwood, OH 45212 - Phone: 513-631-0022

Bailey & Gunderson Co., L.P.A., is Cincinnati Family Law. Estate Planning And Bankruptcy Lawyers located in Cincinnati, Ohio, and represents clients across Hamilton County and beyond, in places such as Batavia, Norwood, Western Hills, Anderson Township, Anderson, Amelia, Mason, Harrison and Hamilton. 

Disclaimer: The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.


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